


第三回生命医薬情報学連合大会公開セッション https://biomedpharminfo.org/open_session/

日経バイオテクONLINE記事 第一報(有料) https://bio.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/news/20141006/179406/

日経バイオテクONLINE記事 第二報(有料) https://bio.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/news/20141009/179461/


宮田満氏から賞品を受け取る今西教授 賞品の萩の月

Kirill Kryukov研究員が最優秀発表賞を受賞

2014年10月2-4日に仙台で開催された第三回生命医薬情報学連合大会で、本研究室のKirill Kryukov研究員は”Homology Search Management Tool”というタイトルでゲノム配列の相同性検索を支援するツールの開発について発表し、連合大会最優秀発表賞(IIBMP2014 Best Presentation Award)を受賞しました。同時に、Kryukov研究員は参加者が投票で選ぶ参加者セレクト賞(Community-Selected Excellent Poster Award)も受賞しました。

連合大会ホームページの受賞者一覧 https://biomedpharminfo.org/awards/

授賞式でのKryukov研究員(右) 賞状 賞品の萩の月

A New Database of “Reproducible” Disease-Associated Genomic Polymorphisms Launched

We developed a new database of genomic polymorphisms that are “reproducibly” associated with disease risks, drug responses and other traits by comprehensively extracting information from many scientific papers, and released it as “VarySysDB Disease Edition (VaDE)”. The VaDE database contains detailed information of disease-associated genomic polymorphisms that have been confirmed by multiple, independent studies for each human population. For example, users can search, show and download all the disease-associated genomic polymorphisms that are reproduced in the East Asian population. VaDE also provides functional information and linkage disequilibria of the polymorphic genomic sites. While genomic polymorphisms are being widely used in researches for predicting disease risks, our database can provide reliable sets of disease-associated genomic polymorphisms with the firm evidence.

The VaDE database is accessible temporarily from here. Your feedback is highly appreciated and will help us to improve our database in the future.

This database project is partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI, Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results (Grant Numbers 258055 and 268046) in 2013-2014.